Martin Griffiths – Acton Health & Safety (Oct 2017)

We welcomed Martin Griffiths from Acton Health & Safety as our main speaker at our October Property Meet.

There were no updates this month, other than to mention the impending interest rate rise !

Martin was welcomed to the property meet.

Martin spoke about HMO’s and fire safety measures. There is a greater risk of fire in HMO’s due to that fact that there are more ‘compartments’ within the building i.e. rooms. If you own HMO’s then you should review your risk assessment annually unless you’re required to do so before by the HSE.

Martin went on to speak about auto fire detection systems. He stated that in relation to fire extinguishers no-one should now be using the dry powder ones, as there is a health and safety risk from inhalation and loss of vision attributable to them.

Martin highlighted the LaCors – ‘Housing Fire Safety Guidance…’ document which can be found online.

Martin was thanked for his update on the rental market. Should anyone wish to speak to Martin then his contact details are:-

Phone:- 07956 067812