September 2016 Meet Up

Charles Lawson from Forge Property Consultants Ltd in Oswestry joined us for our September Property Meet.

Richard gave an update regarding the Rent Smart Wales training. The next local courses are running at Glyndwr University  on the 2nd November and the 13th December. Stamp Duty is due to be replaced in Wales in April 2018 by a Land Transaction Tax. There is currently a consultation ongoing in Liverpool regarding the removal of the council tax exemption for students, this would result in landlords paying a business tax instead.

In addition in London Airbnb have brought in a 90 day annual limit for hosts, unless they have the official consent of their local council. Any hosts wishing to rent their property out for more than 90 days have to apply to their local council for a change of use via planning permission.

Charles Lawson gave an overview regarding property valuations. He explained that in carrying out a valuation it isn’t sufficient to merely have regard to Rightmove as there can be a number of variables in relation to the property that they are valuing.

People need to be aware regarding valuations on their properties especially when it comes to ensuring that you are adequately insured and not underinsured. As a company they offer valuations of portfolios

Should anyone wish to contact Charles, his contact details are:-

Tel:- 01691 610317
