Wrexham Property Meet goes Virtual !
So with everything that’s happening in the world at the moment it’s led to everyone looking at how to operate ‘virtually !’
With this in mind we thought that it would be a great idea for us to keep in touch with our network during the Covid-19 lockdown. No doubt you’ll be aware that there are lots of things going on which affect not only landlords but lenders and other service providers too.
So why not join us for one of our virtual meet ups on Zoom ?
We’re aiming to run them once per fortnight to share any problems that we’ve come across during the pandemic and we figured it’s also great to catch up with each other and provide that a bit of social interaction !
Our next Zoom meet up’s on Thursday the 25th June at 19.30pm. Please see below for the invite….it would be great to ‘see’ you there !
Topic: Wrexham Property Meet
Time: Jun 25, 2020 07:30 PM London
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 840 2840 3683
Password: 879205